Welcome to Turn Card Content! We are pleased to announce the relaunch of turncard.tv where we will be sharing our experiences in the branded content and marketing sector. Turn Card Content is a New York based video production company that creates premium advertising and marketing content. Our team has worked on projects for major TV networks​ such as CNBC, Food Network, Roku, as well as global brands​ like Colgate-Palmolive and HSBC. We can bring that same expertise to your business marketing videos. Top-tier production value without the big agency price tag. From concept to final cut, we make professional video production accessible, helping your business shine with high-impact visuals and measurable performance.
Case StUDY
Case Study 03
Our client, Greenfield Robotics, needed a founder story documentary to kick off a crowd-sourced fundraising campaign. With a modest budget and a skeleton crew, we headed to Wichita, Kansas for a two day shoot to capture and tell the story of why they founded a Robotics Farming Company.